Fire Brigade in Trentino
Volunteer Fire Brigades
A dynamic, well-prepared, and well-equipped unit that is part of the Trentino Volunteer Fire Brigade Association.
5.500 Firefighters
Ready to intervene in any emergency situation
1.300 Young Firefighters
The future of the volunteer fire brigade
Trentino Alto-Adige
Fire Brigades in Active Service
In the province of Trento, the fire brigade system, regulated by specific provincial and regional laws, includes the volunteer fire brigades in the municipalities of the province, the professional fire brigade in the city of Trento, the district associations of volunteer fire brigades and the provincial fire brigade school.
Trentino's volunteer fire brigades are organised in a hierarchical structure consisting of 236 units, which are grouped into 13 district associations depending on the area, which in turn form the Association of Volunteer Fire Brigades.
The Association plays an important role in representing the Trentino fire brigade to the institutions and the outside world and has a general liaison function with the units scattered throughout the territory. The Trentino civil defence model, which is very similar to the large northern European model, is considered a reference point and model at national level.
Moreover, as we can say with a certain pride, this system is envied throughout Italy, because it is based on the values of generosity and volunteer work, which are priceless and can only come from a passion that is passed on from father to son, from generation to generation.
Trentino Alto-Adige
Young Firefighters in Active Service
The Future of Our Volunteers
Boys and girls united by their great passion, commitment, a strong bond with their community and the desire to make a difference.
The approximately 1,300 trainees scattered throughout the valleys of Trentino represent a veritable army of volunteers who play an important role in the already extraordinary world of volunteer work and the firefighting movement. Young people who are becoming adults, both as firefighters and as citizens, because they have already understood and embraced the meaning of civil commitment and taking responsibility for the good of all.